Sunday, May 31, 2009

Mana kerudung yang menurut anda cantik?

Dari beberapa gambar kerudung dibawah ini mungkin kriteria anda dan saya beda untuk kerudung cantik. Anda pilih mana kerudung cantik di bawah ini?

Produk-produk kerudung diatas terbuat dari kain sutra, dan didesain begitu cantik. Mungkin anda berminat? :D

Cari produk untuk menghilangkan bau dimana yah?

Bagi yang mempunyai masalah dengan bau-bauan tidak sedap sepertinya hal itu menjadi hal yang menjengkelkan karena masalah bau sepertinya tiap orang tidak akan suka. Dan bagaimana bila masalah bau itu ada disekitar kita seperti halnya bau air kecing (pesing) pasti sangat mengganggu hidung kita dan mengganggu kelurga kita apalagi bau tersebut dicium oleh tamu kita, repot deh jadinya.

Sebenarnya ga perlu pusing juga sih, saat ini saya rasa sudah ada beberapa produk penghilang bau yang memang didesain untuk menghilangkan bau-bau yang tidak sedap seperti bau asap rokok, bau hasil masakan, bau kotoran hewan dan bau-bau yang lainnnya.

Selain bau-bau ruangan tersebut bisa jua menghilangkan bau seperti bau pada topi, kerudung atau jilbab. Penggunaanya pun mudah serta cari produk yang aman bagi keluarga anda. Produk penghilang bau bisa juga dicari di internet atau supermarket terdekat.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

About Converse

Converse is a shoe company from America. It was founded in the year 1908.

More than shoes, Converse is a story of legends, heroes and innovators tied together by the love of sport.

It’s a script that spans nearly a hundred years – the ultimate highlight reel.

The converse headquarters are based in Malden, Massachusetts.

They deal mainly in athletic shoes and apparels.

The company was founded by Marquis M. Converse when he was in his late 30s.

The Converse Company initially was a big flop. It was only after they released their 'All-Star' range of shoes with Chuck Taylor's signature Converse hit it big time.

They rapidly became famous after the deal with Chuck Taylor went through.
They quickly became the official shoes of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The first series of the 'All-Star' shoes came into production in the mid 1970s.

On the 9th of July, 2003 the converse company was purchased by Nike for 305 million dollar.

The legacy of Converse – the true soul of American sports – continues to unfold, in sport and in life, in the 21st century.

About Converse

Converse is a shoe company from America. It was founded in the year 1908.

More than shoes, Converse is a story of legends, heroes and innovators tied together by the love of sport.

It’s a script that spans nearly a hundred years – the ultimate highlight reel.

The converse headquarters are based in Malden, Massachusetts.

They deal mainly in athletic shoes and apparels.

The company was founded by Marquis M. Converse when he was in his late 30s.

The Converse Company initially was a big flop. It was only after they released their 'All-Star' range of shoes with Chuck Taylor's signature Converse hit it big time.

They rapidly became famous after the deal with Chuck Taylor went through.
They quickly became the official shoes of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The first series of the 'All-Star' shoes came into production in the mid 1970s.

On the 9th of July, 2003 the converse company was purchased by Nike for 305 million dollar.

The legacy of Converse – the true soul of American sports – continues to unfold, in sport and in life, in the 21st century.

About Converse

Converse is a shoe company from America. It was founded in the year 1908.

More than shoes, Converse is a story of legends, heroes and innovators tied together by the love of sport.

It’s a script that spans nearly a hundred years – the ultimate highlight reel.

The converse headquarters are based in Malden, Massachusetts.

They deal mainly in athletic shoes and apparels.

The company was founded by Marquis M. Converse when he was in his late 30s.

The Converse Company initially was a big flop. It was only after they released their 'All-Star' range of shoes with Chuck Taylor's signature Converse hit it big time.

They rapidly became famous after the deal with Chuck Taylor went through.
They quickly became the official shoes of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The first series of the 'All-Star' shoes came into production in the mid 1970s.

On the 9th of July, 2003 the converse company was purchased by Nike for 305 million dollar.

The legacy of Converse – the true soul of American sports – continues to unfold, in sport and in life, in the 21st century.

About Converse

Converse is a shoe company from America. It was founded in the year 1908.

More than shoes, Converse is a story of legends, heroes and innovators tied together by the love of sport.

It’s a script that spans nearly a hundred years – the ultimate highlight reel.

The converse headquarters are based in Malden, Massachusetts.

They deal mainly in athletic shoes and apparels.

The company was founded by Marquis M. Converse when he was in his late 30s.

The Converse Company initially was a big flop. It was only after they released their 'All-Star' range of shoes with Chuck Taylor's signature Converse hit it big time.

They rapidly became famous after the deal with Chuck Taylor went through.
They quickly became the official shoes of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The first series of the 'All-Star' shoes came into production in the mid 1970s.

On the 9th of July, 2003 the converse company was purchased by Nike for 305 million dollar.

The legacy of Converse – the true soul of American sports – continues to unfold, in sport and in life, in the 21st century.